by gstrichmd | Mar 15, 2021 | Burnout, Business, Coaching, Technology
A recent survey of 1500 adult workers in 46 countries published by Drs. Christina Maslach and Michael Leiter in the Harvard Business Review found that Millennial workers had the highest rate of burnout. Is this because Millennials are spoiled complainers? First, let’s...
by gstrichmd | Feb 1, 2021 | Coaching, Covid-19, Physician burnout
A January 2021 Medscape post entitled “Death by 1000 Cuts” reports the most recent survey of physician burnout and suicide. Over 12,000 physicians were included in the survey. 42% of the physician survey reported that they were burned out, a number that has remained...
by gstrichmd | Nov 27, 2020 | Coaching
OK, I admit it, I am obsessed with burnout. Ever since I experienced my own career-ending burnout I have been very interested (some would say obsessed) with the causes of burnout, the manifestations and consequences of burnout, and the best ways to recover from...
by gstrichmd | Nov 27, 2020 | Burnout, Coaching, Neuroplasticity
Coaching is the most effective technology to help you envision and reach your goals, overcome obstacles and develop confidence and leadership skills. A coach acts as a sounding board, thought partner and accountability partner to their client. Every client is unique,...